Monday, September 29, 2008

one more day till i leave and i swear every time i leave and come back the kids are 2 inches taller and 5 pounds heavier! i will b going to Reno for work and then wendover Utah! yippee! well as half the country under the weather so r my little ones as well,some runny noses and coughs and yes even the mighty mama has a cold but she is in denial about it!!its starting to get cold at night here so we moved the outside furniture down stairs and covered up for the winter, man what a short summer!!
but yes
hunting season is among us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time to kill,kill,kill and more killing!!! hopefully get that big buck and plenty of pheasants! and ducks hopefully i will b able to use cholo this year and see if hes worth a grain of salt! anytime u want to come and get some pheasants mac, Andrew come on down!! i would invite the girls but that means that they would have to b outside in the crisp air in the morning and they might get cold or even worse get dirt on their jeans or blood!!! oh no!!!!! not to mention get up early!!! but enuf for now! late, Manny!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dont sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things!!!!